Warning Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.

Band 3 Senior Booking Co-Ordinator

Manylion swydd
Dyddiad hysbysebu: 08 Tachwedd 2024
Cyflog: £24,071.00 i £25,674.00 bob blwyddyn
Gwybodaeth ychwanegol am y cyflog: £24071.00 - £25674.00 a year
Oriau: Llawn Amser
Dyddiad cau: 15 Tachwedd 2024
Lleoliad: Birmingham, B7 4BN
Cwmni: NHS Jobs
Math o swydd: Parhaol
Cyfeirnod swydd: C9820-24-0923


The Senior Booking Coordinator is a vital part of a small team that is tasked to manage a particular service area, ensuring requests for bank staff is met on a daily basis using the systems and processes designed to ensure efficient and appropriate use of temporary staffing. You will be required to manage and maintain Trusts rostering system for temporary bookings to ensure our services can see their temporary staffing establishment at the click of a button. You will work also be part of a wider HR Team, providing an efficient service, taking calls and resolving queries. Please apply for this job as soon as you can, if interested