Warning Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.

Senior Technical Specialist

Manylion swydd
Dyddiad hysbysebu: 22 Tachwedd 2024
Cyflog: £34,866 i £46,485 bob blwyddyn
Oriau: Llawn Amser
Dyddiad cau: 22 Rhagfyr 2024
Lleoliad: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Gweithio o bell: Ar y safle yn unig
Cwmni: The University of Nottingham
Math o swydd: Parhaol
Cyfeirnod swydd: MED465024


Applications are invited for the above role, to work within a team to support and deliver expertise and skills in in vivo activities across the division of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience (PPN), within the School of Life Sciences. The role holder will act as a recognised source of expertise, conducting primary research to underpin project goals, including in vivo behavioural, surgical and physiological measurements as well as biochemical and other post-mortem experiments.

Alongside maintaining Home Office records and standards, this role will be responsible for the day-to-day planning and running of multiple laboratories and suites, travelling as required across sites. The role has a requirement to assist and advise staff and students in experiment development, design and preparation, having the ability to understand, conceptualise and interpret the technical and/or experimental requirements.

Candidates must hold, or have had a Home Office Personal Licence, alongside a HNC qualification or equivalent, plus substantial work experience in a relevant role or have a proven track record with extensive work experience in a relevant technical or scientific role. The role holder must have proven technical and/or experimental expertise in small animal in vivo techniques alongside experience in the interpretation of results and use of appropriate analysis. Excellent oral and written communication skills are essential for this role. Candidates must have the ability to manage a busy timetable of work activities and objectives.

This position is offered on a permanent basis. Hours are full time (36.25 hours per week). Job share arrangements may be considered.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted.

Aelod balch o'r cynllun cyflogwyr Hyderus o ran Anabledd

Hyderus o ran Anabledd
Gwybodaeth am Hyderus o ran Anabledd
Yn gyffredinol, bydd cyflogwr Hyderus o ran Anabledd yn cynnig cyfweliad i unrhyw ymgeisydd sy'n datgan eu bod yn anabl ac yn bodloni'r meini prawf lleiaf ar gyfer y swydd fel y diffinnir gan y cyflogwr. Mae'n bwysig nodi, mewn rhai sefyllfaoedd recriwtio fel nifer fawr o ymgeiswyr, cyfnod tymhorol ac amseroedd prysur iawn, efallai y bydd y cyflogwr am gyfyngu ar y niferoedd cyffredinol o gyfweliadau a gynigir i bobl anabl a phobl nad ydynt yn anabl. Am fwy o fanylion ewch i Hyderus o ran Anabledd.