Inpatient and Day Programme Eating Disorders Peer Support Worker
Posting date: | 10 March 2025 |
Salary: | Not specified |
Additional salary information: | £31,944 - £34,937 pa inc HCAS (pro rata if P/T) |
Hours: | Part time |
Closing date: | 09 April 2025 |
Location: | London, SW10 9NG |
Company: | CNWL NHS Foundation Trust |
Job type: | Permanent |
Job reference: | 7050160/333-G-ED-0415 |
Using recovery principles and socially inclusive practice, the post-holder will support service users in their personal recovery journeys through the Eating Disorders Service. This means providing peer support for adults who are currently receiving inpatient support for their eating disorder. They will foster a relationship of mutuality and information sharing, to promote choice, self-determination,opportunitiesand hope. They will raise awareness about local resources and opportunities that mayassistpeople inmaintainingtheir recovery. They will encourage and support service users to use community resources that are available to them and support the Eating Disorders Service with developing links with these resources. They will act as an advocate for recovery within the team and an ambassador for recovery for the Trust and with partner agencies. The post-holder willbe requiredto work as part of a multidisciplinary team in a specialist service setting.
Clinical Responsibilities
To work with the multi-disciplinary team in the support of both informal service userswithin day programme and inpatient settingsand those detained under the mental health act within acute inpatient settings
To communicate with patients/clients and carers with empathy,reassuranceand tact.
Service Development and Delivery
To raise the profile of peer support both within CNWL, and externally, through co-delivery of presentations, workshops, and participation in Trust–wide peer related projects and audits: and information sharing as required and as agreed with the line manager.
Learning and Development
To make full use of supervision, peer support with other peer workers and other support as necessary in order to remain well and safe in the parent/carer peer support role, and in order to work with the challenges of using lived experience to support people with potentially difficult and distressing issues.
The successful applicant may have contact with patients or service users. As an NHS Trust we strongly encourage and support vaccination as this remains the best way to protect yourself, your family, your colleagues and of course patients and service users when working on our healthcare settings.
As a core member of a busy multi-disciplinary team, theEating DisordersPSWwillcarry out some generic duties,which will include supporting patients who may be on close observations,undertaking andrecording physical health checks, andsupportingpatients duringmeal times.
TheEating DisordersPSWwill take a lead role in embedding recovery values within the service setting in whichthey work, alongside other Trust recovery champions, and act as an ambassador of recovery forthe Trust with external agencies and partner organisations.
TheEating DisordersPSWwill alsohave the opportunity toco-work with other colleaguesandthere will be some opportunities for group work.TheEating DisordersPSWwill work under the supervision of line management e.g. Nurse/ OccupationalTherapist.TheEating DisordersPSWwill also co-facilitate Inpatient Recovery Snapshots on a rotational basis.
Hear from our staff what it’s like working with our CNWL Eating Disorders service, please CLICK HERE to watch the video
Key Responsibilities
Central and North West London NHS Trust is committed to providing safe, effective services and providing those who use the services; and those who support them, with a positive experience.
Clinical Responsibilities
1. To work with the multi-disciplinary team in the support of both informal service userswithin day programme and inpatient settingsand those detained under the mental health act within acute inpatient settings
1. To assume a ‘coaching’ role supporting service users in developing personal recovery plans; this can be delivered individually or in groups.
1. Toassistservice users toidentifytheir strengths, personalinterestsand goals.
1. To provide opportunities for service users to direct their own recovery process.
1. To empower and enable each individual service user, in a non-directive, non-prescriptive way, to discover and make use of their own strengths and to build and strengthen positive connections with their peers, networks and wider communities.
1. Tofacilitateorassistin the admission,transferand discharge of service users.
1. To model/mentor a recovery process anddemonstratecoping skills, using own experience of recovery.
1. To act as a role model to service users to inspire hope, share life experiences and lessons learned as a person in recovery.
1. To support service users to negotiate an ‘Advanced Directive’ with all people involved in their care and others who provide support.
1. To contribute to the assessment, planning,implementationand review of care with the multi-disciplinary team.
1. To work together with the service user and where possible theircarersin the drawing up of care plans encouraging and motivating service users to take an active role in their own care plan.
1. Toassistindividuals in managing their mental health on aday to daybasis including providing support with activities of daily living such as care of self, budgeting, personal care, caring for their home and leisure activities.
1. To positively promote and support independent living for service users in the community bymaintainingextensive knowledge and links with community resources and actively supporting service users to access them e.g. in relation to employment, community living and leisure.
1. To take part, with the service user, in ward activities and social groups, some of this activity will be supporting the Activity Coordinator or Occupational Therapist.
1. Toassistin the development and implementation of educational and peerfacilitatedsupport groups and activities which complement the inpatient programme.
1. Toaccompanyservice users to appointments, therapeutic or socialcommunity basedactivities asappropriate.
1. To hand over issues of risk,safetyand safeguarding, having explained this first to the service user, following locally agreed procedures for risk and safety management.
1. To support service users inseekingto connect/ reconnect with family, friends, significant others and in learning how to improve oreliminateunhealthy relationships.
1. Toassistservice users tomaintaina connection with their life outside of hospital.
1. To sign-post to various resources,opportunitiesand activities within the Trust and in communities to promote choice and informed decision making.
1. To accept and respect serviceuserspersonal beliefs,uniquenessand identity.
1. 1. To meet,welcome, introduce and orientate the service user, theircarerand families to the ward/ service.
1. To communicate with patients/clients and carers with empathy,reassuranceand tact.
1. To support the service user to prepare for meetingsregardingtheir care e.g. assessments, CPA meetings etc.
1. To help service users to access information on health promotion, mental and physical wellbeing.
1. Tomonitorthe service user’s progress, level of functioning & mental state, reporting progress and areas of concern to the multi-disciplinary team (verbally & electronic record keeping systems).
1. Toassistthe service user to understand their rights and choices within the service.
1. Report any untoward incidents or unusual occurrences tothemanager/senior clinicianimmediately.
Service Development and Delivery
1. Tomaintainup to date knowledge of legislation, national and localpoliciesand issues in relation to both the specific service user group, peer support and mental health.
1. Tocomply withall relevant Trust policies,proceduresand guidelines, including those relating to Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Confidentiality of Information and to be aware of any changes in these.
1. To be aware of, teach others and challenge issues in relation to stigma, lowexpectationsand anti-discriminatory practice asappropriate.
1. To read and understand the statutory requirements of the Mental Health Act 1983.
1. To attend clinical, business & service development meetings as required.
1. To raise the profile of peer support both within CNWL, and externally, through co-delivery of presentations, workshops, and participation in Trust –wide peer related projects and audits: and information sharing asrequiredand as agreed with the line manager.
Learning and Development
1. Toparticipatein Trust mandatory training & development opportunitiesconsidered appropriateto theEating DisordersPSW’s role and asidentifiedin the Personal Development Plan (PDP)
1. To undertake the accredited ‘Developing Expertise in Peer Support’ Level 4 module atCity University of London.
1. To contribute and commit to undertaking an annual Development review/ Appraisal
1. To engage in Peer Support supervision asstatedin ourTrustwidepolicies.
1. To receive regular line management supervision as arranged by the ward/ service manager.
1. To make full use of supervision, peer support with other peer workers and other support as necessaryin order toremain well and safe in the peer supportrole, andin order towork with the challenges of using lived experience to support people with potentially difficult and distressing issues.
This advert closes on Friday 14 Mar 2025
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme