
Clerical Assistant (Child Protection), Western Isles (9233) - CNS05222

Job details
Posting date: 14 February 2025
Salary: £28,170.00 to £28,440.00 per year
Hours: Full time
Closing date: 03 March 2025
Location: Western Isles, HS1 2BW
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Job type: Permanent
Job reference: CNS05222

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Clerical Assistant (Child Protection), Western Isles (9233)
14 hours per week, permanent post
£10,658 - £10,761 per annum, inclusive of £1,081 per annum Distant Islands Allowance

The post holder will be required to provide a clerical and word-processing service to the Education, Skills & Children’s Services Department. Duties will include inputting and updating data in relation to various departmental ICT systems (e.g. Eclipse, SEEMIS, Sharepoint) and producing reports for service managers as required; handling telephone and personal enquiries from clients, schools, other agencies, or members of the public; arranging photocopying and collation of documents for the department; and assisting officers in keeping their web documents up to date and relevant as required.

You must have a good understanding and working knowledge of Microsoft Word/Excel. The ability to create and maintain spreadsheets is essential along with the ability to work on own initiative, prioritise tasks and meet tight deadlines. You must have accurate word processing skills to type letters, reports, memos and minutes. It is essential that you have experience in a busy office environment.

This post can be based in the Lionacleit Education Centre, Liniclate, Isle of Benbecula or the Council Offices, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis.

Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of grade.

Please see attached Job Description & Person Specification for further information.

Interviews will be conducted in person, providing candidates with the chance to personally meet the team and experience our work environment.

Closing Date: Monday 3 March 2025

Neach-cuideachaidh Clèireachd (Dìon Chloinne), Na h-Eileanan Siar (9233)
14 uairean gach seachdain, dreachd mhaireannach
£10,658 - £10,761 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £1,081 de Chuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach gach bliadhna

Feumaidh an neach a bhios san dreuchd seirbheis clèireachd agus giollachd-teacsa a lìbhrigeadh do Roinn an Fhoghlaim, Sgilean agus Sheirbheisean Cloinne. Bidh na dleastanasan a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith a’ cur a-steach agus ag ùrachadh dàta a thaobh shiostaman ICT eadar-dhealaichte nan roinnean (m.e. Eclipse, SEEMIS, Sharepoint) agus a’ deasachadh aithisgean dha manaidsearan seirbheis mar a dh’fheumar; a’ dèiligeadh ri ceistean pearsanta agus air a fòn bho luchd-dèiligidh, sgoiltean, buidhnean eile, no bhon phoball; a’ dèanamh foto-lethbhreacan agus a’ cur sgrìobhainnean ri chèile airson na roinne; agus a’ cuideachadh oifigearan ann a bhith a’ cumail nan sgrìobhainnean-lìn aca nua-aimsireil agus iomchaidh mar a dh’fheumar.

Feumaidh tuigse mhath agus liut a bhith agad air Microsoft Word/Excel. Tha e riatanach gu bheil comas agad cliath-dhuilleagan a chruthachadh agus a chumail suas cho math ri comas obrachaidh air do cheann fhèin, agus comas prìomhachas a chur air gnìomhan agus ag obair gus cinn-ama a choileanadh. Feumaidh sgilean giollachd-teacsa neo-mhearachdach a bhith agad gus litrichean, aithisgean, meòmhrachanan agus geàrr-chunntasan a chlò-sgrìobhadh. Tha e riatanach gu bheil eòlas agad air a bhith ag obair ann an oifis thrang.

Faodaidh an dreuchd seo a bhith stèidhichte ann an Ionad Foghlaim Lionacleit, Beinn na Fadhla, no Oifisean na Comhairle, Steòrnabhagh, Eilean leòdhais.

Tha tuartastal na dreuchd seo a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach. Thèid an neach fhastadh air a’ chiad ìre den rang.

Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh san Tuairisgeul Obrach agus san Tuairisgeul Pearsanta a tha an lùib seo.

Thèid agallamhan a chumail an làthair gu pearsanta, a’ toirt cothrom dha tagraichean coinneachadh ris an sgioba agus agus beachd fhaighinn air ar àrainneachd obrach.

Ceann-latha airson Iarrtasan: Diluain 3 Màrt 2025

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