Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.
Tandoori Chef
Dyddiad hysbysebu: | 07 Rhagfyr 2024 |
Cyflog: | £38,750 i £40,750 bob blwyddyn |
Oriau: | Llawn Amser |
Dyddiad cau: | 06 Ionawr 2025 |
Lleoliad: | 139 Wilbraham Road, Manchester, M14 7DS |
Gweithio o bell: | Ar y safle yn unig |
Cwmni: | Good Food Ltd |
Math o swydd: | Parhaol |
Cyfeirnod swydd: |
The Tandoori Chef’s main responsibilities will include the following: -
• To oversee all kitchen staff and be in charge of supervising our busy kitchen daily.
• To liaise with the client with ideas of dishes to be added to the menu for their events and ensure that it comes within their budget.
• Specific Tandoori Chef skills and experience to work with traditional clay oven
• Supervise all dish preparation, cooking, and presentation.
• To promptly and aesthetically season, prepare, and plate foods.
• To maintain a schedule for staff members, instructing and assigning tasks to all kitchen staff.
• To purchase tools or ingredients as required ensuring that all purchases come within the company’s budget.
• To maintain i.e. clean and sharpen kitchen tools regularly.
• To ensure compliance with all health and safety regulations within the kitchen.
• To interview, hire and train kitchen staff in their designated areas.
• To oversee all kitchen staff and be in charge of supervising our busy kitchen daily.
• To liaise with the client with ideas of dishes to be added to the menu for their events and ensure that it comes within their budget.
• Specific Tandoori Chef skills and experience to work with traditional clay oven
• Supervise all dish preparation, cooking, and presentation.
• To promptly and aesthetically season, prepare, and plate foods.
• To maintain a schedule for staff members, instructing and assigning tasks to all kitchen staff.
• To purchase tools or ingredients as required ensuring that all purchases come within the company’s budget.
• To maintain i.e. clean and sharpen kitchen tools regularly.
• To ensure compliance with all health and safety regulations within the kitchen.
• To interview, hire and train kitchen staff in their designated areas.