Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.
E Learning Manager
Dyddiad hysbysebu: | 28 Tachwedd 2024 |
Cyflog: | £39,000 i £39,500 bob blwyddyn |
Oriau: | Llawn Amser |
Dyddiad cau: | 28 Rhagfyr 2024 |
Lleoliad: | Croydon, London |
Gweithio o bell: | Hybrid - gweithio o bell hyd at 2 ddiwrnod yr wythnos |
Math o swydd: | Cytundeb |
Cyfeirnod swydd: |
The E-Learning Manager is responsible for overseeing the development, implementation, and management of online educational programs and platforms. This role involves collaborating with instructional designers, subject matter experts, and technical teams to create engaging and effective digital learning experiences. The manager ensures that the curriculum is aligned with educational standards and organizational goals, leveraging data analytics to assess program effectiveness and improve learning outcomes. Key responsibilities include managing project timelines, budgets, and resources, as well as providing training and support to instructors and learners. They stays current with industry trends and technological advancements to incorporate best practices and innovative solutions into the learning environment.