Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.
Trainee Dispenser Counter Assistant
Dyddiad hysbysebu: | 24 Tachwedd 2024 |
Oriau: | Llawn Amser |
Dyddiad cau: | 24 Rhagfyr 2024 |
Lleoliad: | Weston Supermare, BS23 1EN |
Gweithio o bell: | Ar y safle yn unig |
Cwmni: | Jhoots Chemist Limited |
Math o swydd: | Cytundeb |
Cyfeirnod swydd: | SNJ WESU |
You will be enrolled onto Buttercups Dispensing Assistant Level 2 course.
As a Dispensary Counter Assistant you will work under the Pharmacist supervision and will assist with the sales of over the counter medicines, offering advice to customers on the provision of information, symptoms and products as well promoting the additional services that our branch offers. You will also be tasked with replenishing stock and supporting the pharmacy team.
As a Dispensary Counter Assistant you will work under the Pharmacist supervision and will assist with the sales of over the counter medicines, offering advice to customers on the provision of information, symptoms and products as well promoting the additional services that our branch offers. You will also be tasked with replenishing stock and supporting the pharmacy team.