Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.
Pharmacy Technician
Dyddiad hysbysebu: | 07 Tachwedd 2024 |
Cyflog: | £31,931.00 i £31,931.00 bob blwyddyn |
Gwybodaeth ychwanegol am y cyflog: | £31931.00 a year |
Oriau: | Llawn Amser |
Dyddiad cau: | 21 Tachwedd 2024 |
Lleoliad: | Leamington Spa, CV32 5QB |
Cwmni: | NHS Jobs |
Math o swydd: | Parhaol |
Cyfeirnod swydd: | B0062-24-0051 |
To support the Practice Based Clinical Pharmacist to ensure the delivery of safe, effective and efficient systems for repeat prescribing, medicines optimisation, reducing medicines waste and maximising patient outcomes. To proactively transfer workload relating to medicines optimisation issues to improve patients care, safety and free up clinical staff to spend more time on clinical care. Duties and Responsibilities: Support the Clinical Pharmacist at GP federation level in their role in each of the PCN practices. Improve patient and carer understanding of, confidence in and compliance with their medicines. Support the clinical pharmacist with medicines and prescribing queries from patients and staff. Support the clinical pharmacist to improve the safety and quality of prescribing following hospital admissions and attendance. Carry out medicines switches in GP practices in line with practice and CCG/ CSU agreed specific protocols reviewing patients records; amending records and informing patients. Carry out housekeeping whilst in patient records e.g. dose optimisation and medicines synchronisation. Support improving prescribing processes in general practice. Promotion of electronic repeat dispensing and online ordering. Use and maintain information systems and databases relevant to the position including incident reporting, medicines optimisation, prescribing data, cost savings and patient outcomes. Work closely with GP practices within their designated PCN. Participate in practice meetings, patient participation groups, and other meetings to improve engagement of the role of pharmacy technician within the PCN model and to promote issues relevant to prescribing and medicines optimization. Liaise with other pharmacy stakeholders e.g. CCG/ CSU Medicines Optimisation team, community pharmacy, and hospital pharmacy teams. Handle function specific information, which may be sensitive, complex or confidential and appropriately recording, transferring and/or coordinating such information in accordance with the Data Protection Act; Caldicott Guidelines and the Confidentiality Code of Conduct. To be responsible for the organisation, planning and of own workload to meet set deadlines. To utilise GP practice clinical systems to conduct prescribing audits e.g. EMIS Web. To undertake, participate and share the outcomes of clinical audits to facilitate improvement and changes in practice. Ensure that all major MHRA drug alerts, where appropriate and within level of competence, are acted upon within practices over an appropriate time frame and to advise on any medication changes that occur as a result. To assist in the monitoring of prescribing expenditure at individual practice level and propose changes to ensure containment within identified resource. To undertake learning and development to ensure the required knowledge and skills for practice-based work. To carry out other duties which are appropriate to the skills and competencies of the post holder and grade of the post as the priorities of the service change. Contribute to the achievement and maintenance of good to outstanding CQC registration status.