Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.
Registered Nurse - Temporary Staffing Services
Dyddiad hysbysebu: | 06 Tachwedd 2024 |
Cyflog: | £29,970.00 i £36,483.00 bob blwyddyn |
Gwybodaeth ychwanegol am y cyflog: | £29970.00 - £36483.00 a year |
Oriau: | Llawn Amser |
Dyddiad cau: | 18 Tachwedd 2024 |
Lleoliad: | Coventry, CV2 2DX |
Cwmni: | NHS Jobs |
Math o swydd: | Cytundeb |
Cyfeirnod swydd: | C9218-24-1708 |
The Recruitment Centre If your application is shortlisted, you will be invited to attend an Recruitment Centre. This Recruitment Centre is intended to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate how you would treat our patients and staff for whom we care, with the compassion, courtesy, dignity and respect they deserve. Recruiting to Values To ensure that we provide world-class patient care, UHCW recruits people that can demonstrate the Trusts Values and Behaviours in their everyday life. Therefore, if you are invited to interview, you will be undertaking a Values Based Interview,which explores not only what you do but how and why you do it. Before applying, we encourage you to review the Trusts Values and Behaviours Framework and Values Based Recruitment Fact sheet which can be accessed on the right side of this page under the job description. The Supporting Information Section in your application should therefore reflect your understanding of the Trusts Values and associated Behaviours. You will be expected to provide us with examples from work experience and/or personal life which demonstrate these values through your behaviour. The successful candidate will be: Responsible for clinical assessment of a group of patients and management of a team, ensuring appropriate care is planned, implemented and evaluated, involving patients and users. Organisation of cross-departmental/organisational activities to support patient care pathways. Demonstrate technical and/or practical skills to ensure optimum patient care management including; patient observations; equipment management and administration of agreed invasive tests/procedures. Utilise and ensure others utilise information and IT systems to secure accurate and timely patient, workforce and resource data. Manage expected (and occasional unexpected) clinical events requiring high but unpredictable levels of physical effort according to patient dependency/clinical need, referring to a senior member of staff where appropriate e.g. in an unexpected event. Support patients, carers and others during difficult situations arising in the clinical area, e.g. imparting bad news or following an unexpected event. Promote and monitor adherence to Health and Safety and Trust policy designed to protect healthcare staff and service users from known hazards. For further details please see the attached job description.