Warning Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.

Research Associate in Comparative and Creative Desert Research

Manylion swydd
Dyddiad hysbysebu: 05 Tachwedd 2024
Cyflog: £32,296.00 i £36,924.00 bob blwyddyn
Oriau: Rhan Amser
Dyddiad cau: 20 Tachwedd 2024
Lleoliad: LA1 4YW
Cwmni: Lancaster University
Math o swydd: Dros dro
Cyfeirnod swydd: 1190-24



The Department of History at Lancaster University are seeking to appoint a Research Associate to join the British Academy-funded Desert Disorders project team. We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to undertake creative digital design and dissemination work. You will work with a range of data (texts, images and sound recordings) from Somalia, the UK and India and will create digital presentations and expositions of the major research findings.

The role is 18.75 hours per week for thirteen weeks. Flexibility around working patterns is possible. The post will be based at Lancaster with agile working principles. You must have right to work in the UK.


Desert Disorders: Comparative Approaches to Asian and East African Desert Regions, is led by Professor Katherine Baxter, in collaboration with Professor Deborah Sutton (Lancaster University) and Professor Farhana Ibrahim (IIT Delhi). The project takes a comparative, global perspective on deserts and arid regions as spaces of perceived ‘disorder’ and uses literary, historical and ethnographic methodologies to explore and explain the imperial and postcolonial anxieties that such regions, and their inhabitants, provoked. The project aims to recover alternative, possibly resistive, forms of sovereignty established in desert and arid contexts, which exist beyond the conditions of normative state and citizenship regimes.

The Research Associate will be affiliated to the Department of History at Lancaster University. Lancaster University is highly ranked and research-led and situated near the historic city of Lancaster. The North West of England offers high standards of living, beautiful countryside, including the Lake District, and excellent national and international transport connectivity. For more information about the department, see:


You will make a positive contribution to our project by developing creative and analytical work with our project data. You will hold a PhD or equivalent in a Humanities or Social Science discipline. Preference will be given to candidates with an interest in creative design, mapping and landscape studies. Candidates with Hindi or Somali language skills are particularly encouraged to apply. We particularly encourage applications from Black, Asian and/or Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

If you would like an informal discussion about the role, please contact Professor Deborah Sutton,

Aelod balch o'r cynllun cyflogwyr Hyderus o ran Anabledd

Hyderus o ran Anabledd
Gwybodaeth am Hyderus o ran Anabledd
Yn gyffredinol, bydd cyflogwr Hyderus o ran Anabledd yn cynnig cyfweliad i unrhyw ymgeisydd sy'n datgan eu bod yn anabl ac yn bodloni'r meini prawf lleiaf ar gyfer y swydd fel y diffinnir gan y cyflogwr. Mae'n bwysig nodi, mewn rhai sefyllfaoedd recriwtio fel nifer fawr o ymgeiswyr, cyfnod tymhorol ac amseroedd prysur iawn, efallai y bydd y cyflogwr am gyfyngu ar y niferoedd cyffredinol o gyfweliadau a gynigir i bobl anabl a phobl nad ydynt yn anabl. Am fwy o fanylion ewch i Hyderus o ran Anabledd.