Warning Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.

Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist (Band 7)

Manylion swydd
Dyddiad hysbysebu: 04 Tachwedd 2024
Cyflog: £47,836 i £47,836 bob blwyddyn
Gwybodaeth ychwanegol am y cyflog: Competitive
Oriau: Llawn Amser
Dyddiad cau: 29 Tachwedd 2024
Lleoliad: Mansfield, NG21 0HR
Cwmni: Cygnet
Math o swydd: Parhaol
Cyfeirnod swydd: 38337


Would you like to explore a rewarding career experience as an Occupational Therapist?

About Us

Cygnet Health Care was established in 1988 as an independent provider of health and social care services in England, Scotland and Wales.

Your Role

Service Line: Mental Health Adults (Male) & High Dependency Rehabilitation

Summary of the role

Job Title: Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist (B7)

Location: Cygnet Sherwood House, Rufford Colliery Lane, Rainworth, Nottinghamshire, NG21 0HR.

Salary Range: Salary up to £47,836 p/a (DOE)

Hours: 40 hours per week

Clinical: You and the Band 5 Occupational Therapist are responsible for the assessment and treatment of occupational dysfunction for 30 service users. You will work with a full multidisciplinary team in a coordinated way to support each service user develop their skills and move through our clinical model of care from admission to discharge.

Leadership: You would report directly to the Hospital Manager on site for management supervision and Regional Lead Occupational Therapist for clinical supervision. You would also hold leadership and management responsibilities of the Occupational Therapy service at Sherwood House providing clinical supervision for the band 5 Occupational Therapist.

Cygnet Sherwood House is a 30 bed specialist high support inpatient rehabilitation (level 2) service for men dedicated to providing a high quality environment for promoting long-term recovery. Our facilities and multi-disciplinary treatment programme are designed to assist individuals with their return to community living. Those placed with us often come from multiple placement breakdowns, failed treatment programmes or are stepping down from secure settings.

We have a gym, two gardens including an allotment, a multi-faith room and two therapy kitchens. Meals at Cygnet Sherwood House are served in the dining room and they run on a café system. There is a large variety of choice that caters for individual preferences and dietary requirements.

Our dedicated clinical team provide a multi-disciplinary input including occupational therapy, psychology, nursing and psychiatry. However, we offer more than just specialists and treatments, we value the service users as individuals, help enhance their interests and abilities, encourage them to share their views and help them unlock their talents and aspirations.

Occupational Therapy Directorate

Under the leadership of our occupational therapy directors we support over 150 Occupational Therapists and over 300 OT support staff. Working together as a large team we provide support to each other across the group, with the opportunity to be part of specialist interest groups & become involved in service development.

Every service line has a clinical lead occupational therapist to lead and develop evidence based practice and agreed occupational therapy pathway.

We ensure our occupational therapy team members have a voice through participating in service model development, utilising the expertise and support of our clinical lead occupational therapists.

5 reasons why you should make an application today…

  1. We care about people in our services
  2. Expert clinical supervision with an occupational therapist
  3. Induction & service line training in area of specialism
  4. Dedicated CPD time for peer support, skill development and specialist training
  5. We support and develop you to build skills and confidence for the next level in your career.

Cygnet Health Care Benefits

  • Free parking
  • Free meals for staff on duty
  • Relocation package available
  • Group pension plan helping you save for your future
  • NHS Discount Cards & Blue Light Card (includes big brand discounts)
  • Wellbeing centre with exercises, recipes, financial and mental health advice.
  • Plus much more…

A career at Cygnet comes with excellent benefits. Whether it’s saving you money on the high street, with healthcare, holidays & leisure – or securing your future with professional development and a pension – we support you to be happy both in & out of work.

Apply now to enjoy excellent career prospects while reaping the rewards of making a difference to others – every day.

If you would like to discuss this role with the recruiting occupational therapist or arrange an informal visit, we’d be more than

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Hyderus o ran Anabledd
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Yn gyffredinol, bydd cyflogwr Hyderus o ran Anabledd yn cynnig cyfweliad i unrhyw ymgeisydd sy'n datgan eu bod yn anabl ac yn bodloni'r meini prawf lleiaf ar gyfer y swydd fel y diffinnir gan y cyflogwr. Mae'n bwysig nodi, mewn rhai sefyllfaoedd recriwtio fel nifer fawr o ymgeiswyr, cyfnod tymhorol ac amseroedd prysur iawn, efallai y bydd y cyflogwr am gyfyngu ar y niferoedd cyffredinol o gyfweliadau a gynigir i bobl anabl a phobl nad ydynt yn anabl. Am fwy o fanylion ewch i Hyderus o ran Anabledd.