Warning Mae'r hysbyseb swydd hon wedi dod i ben ac mae'r ceisiadau wedi cau.

Maintenance Coordinator

Manylion swydd
Dyddiad hysbysebu: 25 Hydref 2024
Cyflog: £12.35 i £14.35 yr awr
Oriau: Rhan Amser
Dyddiad cau: 24 Tachwedd 2024
Lleoliad: LS22 6PU
Gweithio o bell: Ar y safle yn unig
Cwmni: Leonard Cheshire
Math o swydd: Parhaol
Cyfeirnod swydd: 14786-54096


Part-time 18 hours, different shifts throughout each week.

A night enhancement of £1.50 per hour will apply from 8pm to 7am Monday – Sunday (this does not apply to sleep-ins). A weekend day enhancement of £2.00 per hour will be paid from 7am to 8pm, Saturday and Sunday.

Wharfedale House in the market town of Wetherby, West Yorkshire is home for 18 adults with physical disabilities.

We are located at 16 Wharfedale Lawns, West Yorkshire, LS22 6PU. Please check the location before applying.

About the role

You will play a vital role in assisting with the upkeep of our service, keeping buildings and surrounding areas safe and well maintained to agreed health and safety standards.

Duties will include decorating, furniture removal, general repairs and routine maintenance to ensure the smooth running of the premises both internally and externally. With a focus on preventative maintenance, you will report potential issues to be quickly resolved and prioritise your workload.

To be successful in this role you will:

• Have relevant previous experience.
• Understand the principles of workplace safety.
• Be able to perform physical tasks required by the job.
• Work flexibly to the needs of the service.

Please see the job description (link below) for more details.

Your benefits and rewards

As well as competitive pay, we offer a wide range of employee rewards such as Wagestream, the option to withdraw up to 40% of your pay before pay day, free Blue Light card with discounts for high street retailers, eating out and fun family days. There is also a free DBS check, generous annual leave, contributory pension scheme, excellent training programmes relevant to your role and so much more!

If you have any questions or further enquiries, please contact or call 07834107791

Leonard Cheshire welcomes applications from all sections of the community. We actively encourage applications from people with a disability, supporting where possible, your requirements for reasonable adjustments.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk. A satisfactory disclosure check (PVG membership in Scotland) is required for this post. References will be obtained for all roles.

Shortlisting for this role may take place as applications are received. We therefore reserve the right to close this vacancy once suitable candidates have been appointed.

* No agencies please *

Aelod balch o'r cynllun cyflogwyr Hyderus o ran Anabledd

Hyderus o ran Anabledd
Gwybodaeth am Hyderus o ran Anabledd
Yn gyffredinol, bydd cyflogwr Hyderus o ran Anabledd yn cynnig cyfweliad i unrhyw ymgeisydd sy'n datgan eu bod yn anabl ac yn bodloni'r meini prawf lleiaf ar gyfer y swydd fel y diffinnir gan y cyflogwr. Mae'n bwysig nodi, mewn rhai sefyllfaoedd recriwtio fel nifer fawr o ymgeiswyr, cyfnod tymhorol ac amseroedd prysur iawn, efallai y bydd y cyflogwr am gyfyngu ar y niferoedd cyffredinol o gyfweliadau a gynigir i bobl anabl a phobl nad ydynt yn anabl. Am fwy o fanylion ewch i Hyderus o ran Anabledd.