Procurement Business Partner Clinical and MedTech | Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dyddiad hysbysebu: | 23 Gorffennaf 2024 |
Cyflog: | Heb ei nodi |
Gwybodaeth ychwanegol am y cyflog: | per annum pro rata |
Oriau: | Llawn Amser |
Dyddiad cau: | 22 Awst 2024 |
Lleoliad: | Oxford, OX4 2PG |
Cwmni: | Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |
Math o swydd: | Parhaol |
Cyfeirnod swydd: | 6502094/321-CORP-6398789-B8b-PUB-1 |
· To maximise value from the supply chain by developing and leading on strategic procurement and category management across the designated Clinical expenditure category/division.
· To be the dedicated point of contact for all procurement and supply chain issues associatedwith their Clinical category of expenditure and to coordinate activities with the relevant Procurement Category Business Partners where appropriate.
· TodeliverbenefitsinlinewithagreedDivisional,DepartmentalandTrusttargets.
· To carry out appropriate levels of assurance and due diligence across the supply chain to assess any risk, confirm appropriate standards are being maintained, ensure reliability of supply, and ensure legislative and contractual compliance.
· To develop strategic procurement and commercial strategies for their Clinical division and to maintain short, medium, and long term workplan and benefits forecast with appropriate levels of detail.
· Theroleistoprovideahigh-levelofexpertknowledgeandskilltoensure:
o bestpracticeprocurementandstrategicsourcing
o maximisevaluefromthesupplychain.
o welldefinedprocurementcategoryplanandstrategies
o managementofrisk
o valueformoney
o thedevelopmentandimplementationofinnovation
o trackedbenefits&contractcompliance.
o managedrelationshipswithkeystakeholders,includingsuppliersandother agencies such as GPS.
Category Management
· Proactivelymanagesallspendinallocatedcategoriesofexpenditure.
· Ensuresthatcategoryservicesarefit-for-purposeandsuitableforstakeholders.
· Managehigh-valuestrategicsourcingprojects.
· Identifyandmanageriskthroughouttheprocurementprocess.
Maintainlinkswithrelevantbodies(forexampleInnovationHubs)toensurenewtechnologies and innovation are incorporated into procurement.
Projectmanagementofbespokecategoryprocurementexercisesonbehalfof stakeholders through conception to completion.
Reporton procurement and commercial activity to the division andfor the spend categoriesvia appropriate and relevant ways (dashboards, reports, KPIs, data analysis)
Conductfinancialanalysisinsupportofindividualprocurementprojectstoassessimpacton budgets for stakeholder.
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is one of the largest NHS teaching trusts in the country. It provides a wide range of general and specialist clinical services and is a base for medical education, training and research.
The Trust comprises four hospitals - the John Radcliffe Hospital, Churchill Hospital and Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Headington and the Horton General Hospital in Banbury.
Our values, standards and behaviours define the quality of clinical care we offer and the professional relationships we make with our patients, colleagues and the wider community. We call this Delivering Compassionate Excellence and its focus is on our values of compassion, respect, learning, delivery, improvement and excellence. These values put patients at the heart of what we do and underpin the quality healthcare we would like for ourselves or a member of our family. Watch how we set out to deliver compassionate excellence via the OUH YouTube channel.
· Asignificantunderstandingandknowledgeofpublicprocurement.
· Highlydevelopedcommercialskillsandbusinessacumen.
· Theabilitytoapplythatknowledgetoliaisewith,advise,negotiate, andsupporttherelevant stakeholders with their requirements for products, projects, equipment or services that are consistent with current legislation and organisational policies and procedures.
· Abilitytoco-ordinateandmanagetheprocessofnegotiating,awarding,andmonitoring contracts taking all the appropriate actions when there are any arising issues.
· Driventoself-manageandperformwithinachallenging,complex,andbusyhealthcareenvironment.
· Requireshighlydevelopedpresentationandcommunicationskills.
· Beabletodevelopnetworksandcommunicateappropriatelywithstakeholdersandkey communication links which may include:
o ClinicalProfessionalsandIndependentContractors
o Staffatalllevelsandrolesinotherprocurementorganisations&agencies,NHSTrusts, and Commissioners across the country
o SuppliersandSupplierTrade/ProfessionalBodies
o DepartmentofHealthandotherGovernmentBodies
o Innovationhubs&InnovationCentre(s)
· Providecategoryadviceandexpertiseinaspectsofprocurementactivitytoallthestakeholders.
· Todevelopkeyrelationshipsandworkwithother,ProcurementBusiness Partners, CategoryManagers, and functional Specialists, sharing information asrelevant.
· Communicatewithgroupsandgivepresentationsaspart oftheprocessoftenderevaluation and contract award recommendation.
· PresenttosuppliersatSuppliersBriefingSessions,e.g.,outliningbroadclientrequirementsprior to formal tendering.
· Keepaccurateandcompleterecordsof activitiesandcommunicationsconsistentwith legislation, policies, and procedures.
· Beabletocollectandanalysesdatainavarietyofformatsandcoding(s).
· Beabletoanalyseandinterpretfinancialinformation.
· Analyseandpresentfindingsfromcommercial&tenderactivity.
· Workmanagementandplanningskills.
· Updateanddevelopnewknowledgeandskillsandshareinformationasrelevantwithother, Procurement Business Partners, Category Managers, and relevant stakeholders.
· Identifyowndevelopmentneedsandsetsownpersonaldevelopmentobjectivesinlinewith the requirements of the organisation.
· Makeeffectiveuseoflearningopportunitieswithinandoutsidetheworkplaceevaluating effectiveness and feeding back relevant information.
· PeopleManagement-theabilitytomanage,influenceandleadpeoplewhomayormaynot be direct reports.
· Topro-activelymanageandsupportthedevelopmentofanydirectreportsandsupportthe training, development and succession planning across the wider team.
Allpost holdersatOUHhavearesponsibilityforpromotingthehealth, safetyandsecurityofpatients and clients, the public, colleagues, and themselves. This is in addition to general category listedbelow.
· Employeesmust:
o CooperatewiththeTrustanditsofficersinimplementingtherequirementsof theHealth & Safety at Work Act 1974 etc. etc.
o Takereasonablecareoftheirownhealth,safety&welfare
o Refrainfromdoinganythingwhichmayconstituteanunacceptablehealth&safetyriskto themselves or others
o Reportanydefectiveequipment,unsafesituations,orpracticesimmediatelytothe responsible manager
· Identifyandassessanypotentialrisksinvolvedinworkactivitiesandprocessesforself and others and how best to manage the risks.
· Supportothersinmaintaininghealth,safety,andsecurity.
AllpostholdersatOUHhavearesponsibilityformaintainingqualityofownwork,encouragingothers, contributing to improved quality, and developing a culture of striving to improve. This is in addition to the general category listed below.
· Uses relevanttools andresourcestoensureconsistencyandtransparencyof anyprojects, tenders and evaluations carried out on behalf of the organisation or stakeholder Trusts.
· Acts consistentlywithlegislation, policies, procedures, andotherqualityapproaches and promotes the value of quality approaches to others.
· Worksasaneffectiveandresponsibleteammemberandenablesotherstodolikewise.
· Prioritisesownworkloadandorganisesandcarriesoutownwork inamannerthatmaintainsand promotes quality.
· Self-motivatedandtakestheappropriateactionwhentherearepersistentqualityproblems.
Allpost holdersshallholdaresponsibilitytosupport, promoteanddevelopaculturewhichpromotes equality & diversity across the organisation.
· Recognises the importance of people’s rights and acts in accordance with legislation, policies, and procedures.
· EnsuresthatallprocurementactivitiesarecarriedoutinaccordancewithUKandEUlegislation.
· EnsuresthattendersfromsuppliersarecompliantwithUKandEUlegislationandtender evaluations are carried out with fairness and transparency.
· ToenshrinetheprinciplesofImprovingWorkingLivestosupportstaffindevelopingan effective work/life balance.
· Toensurethat allstaffundergoanannualperformancereviewinlinewiththeTrust Policyand have an up-to-date Personal Development Plan.
· Toberesponsibleforownprofessionaldevelopment andtoparticipateintheTrust Performance Review Process.
· Toberesponsibleformaintainingtheconfidentialityof allpatientandstaffrecordsin yourarea.
· Toberesponsibleforensuringthat allstaff withinyourdepartmentadherestoallareasof the Data Security Policy held.
· Toberesponsibleforensuringthat allstaff withinyourdepartmentadherestoallareasof the Data Security Policy held.
· Toberesponsibleforaddressingallsecurityandconfidentialitytrainingneedsof allyourstaff. This should be done on induction and then on an annual basis to update the staff.
· Should you have any matters of concern, you are welcome to, and encouraged to, raise your concerns with your Manager/Director.
Toenshrinetheprinciplesof theNHSCodeof ConductforManagersin undertaking allaspectsof your role.
OUH is committed to valuing and promoting diversity in employment, service delivery practices andits’ general environment. An expectation of all leadership posts within the Trust is that each individual will take responsibility for promoting open, inclusive, and accessible service provision, staff development and a culture that values and respects difference.
a) Theywillhaveasoundawarenessof Safeguardingissuesandbeclearabouttheirrespective roles and responsibilities to report, respond to and share information in relation to Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Children, Domestic Abuse and Public Protection.
b) Theywillhaveknowledgeof andadheretotheDataProtectionActandwillnot disclosureto any person or organisation, any confidential information that comes into their possession in the course of their employment.
c) TheywillfullyparticipateintheTrust’sperformancereviewandpersonaldevelopment planning process on an annual basis.
d) Theywillundertaketrainingasnecessaryinlinewiththedevelopment ofthepostandas agreed with line manager as part of the personal development planningprocess.
e) Theywillachieveanddemonstrateagreedstandardsofpersonalandprofessional development within agreed timescales.
f) Theywillcontributepositivelytotheeffectivenessandefficiencyof theteamsinwhichhe/sheworks.
g) They will undertake any other duties at the request of the line manager which are commensuratewiththerole,includingprojectwork,internaljobrotationandabsencecover.
h) Theywillcontributetoahealthyandsafeworkingenvironmentbyadheringtohealthand safety regulations and Trust policies.
i) Theywillcontributetothe preventionandcontrolof healthcareassociatedinfectionby adhering to Trust policies and guidelines.
This advert closes on Tuesday 6 Aug 2024
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