
88589 - Part-time Case Work Offender Supervisor

Job details
Posting date: 03 July 2024
Salary: £30,471 per year
Hours: Full time
Closing date: 17 July 2024
Location: CF24 0UG
Remote working: Hybrid - work remotely up to 2 days per week
Company: Ministry of Justice
Job type: Permanent
Job reference: 88589

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HMPPS Wales pride ourselves on being an employer of choice and encourage applications from candidates irrespective of identity, background, life experience or circumstances. It’s vital that our justice system is as diverse as the society we serve and we welcome the unique contribution diverse applicants bring. In line with the Equality Act 2010, we are able to offer advice and support to candidates from backgrounds which are currently under-represented in our workforce or face recognised barriers. This includes ethnic minority and disabled people. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact

Mae Gwasanaeth Carchardai a Phrawf EF yn ymfalchïo mewn bod yn gyflogwr o ddewis ac anogwn ceisiadau gan ymgeiswyr ni waeth beth yw eu hunaniaeth, eu cefndir, eu profiadau bywyd neu eu hamgylchiadau. Mae’n hanfodol bod ein system gyfiawnder yr un mor amrywiol â’r gymdeithas rydym yn ei gwasanaethu ac rydym yn croesawu’r cyfraniadau unigryw a ddaw gan ymgeiswyr amrywiol. Yn unol â Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010, rydym yn gallu cynnig cyngor a chymorth i ymgeiswyr o gefndiroedd sydd wedi’u tangynrychioli yn ein gweithlu neu sy’n wynebu rhwystrau amlwg. Mae hyn yn cynnwys pobl anabl a phobl o gefndiroedd ethnig lleiafrifol. Os hoffwch wybod mwy, cysylltwch â’r Tim Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant yn

Overview of the job

This is a non- operational job in an establishment.


The job holder will contribute to and lead the assessment of prisoners and prepare, implement, review and evaluate their sentence plans with them. The job holder will build effective, appropriate and supportive relationships with prisoners, with the aim of reducing re-offending

The job holder will have undergone selection and additional training to carry out this specialist delivery job as an offender Supervisor to prisoners.

This is a non-operational job without line management responsibilities.

Responsibilities, Activities and Duties

The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities and duties:

Interview prisoners on arrival within prescribed timescales, set and review targets with prisoners and update case management notes on the prison database
Use the Offender Assessment System (OASys) to identify risks and manage offenders appropriately
Lead the sentence planning meeting in order to prepare appropriate plans
Co-ordinate information for Parole Board reports and hearings
Liaise with prisoners and other departments and agencies to action the sentence plan, gather and exchange information and understand/investigate conflicting opinions on prisoner progress
Encourage and support prisoner to participate in education, interventions and workshops as defined within the sentence plan. Develops strategies to assist prisoners to overcome reluctance to attend
Liaise with probation service and case workers regarding Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL), Home Detention Curfew (HDC) and transfers to other prisons. Make recommendations to Governor on suitability for early release. Inform relevant agencies of release dates and address of prisoners considered a risk on release
Engage with Indeterminate Sentence Prisoners (ISP) within the specific timescales as required and complete relevant paperwork
Highlight any prisoner who gives significant concerns by their behaviour to the Offender Management Unit manager or Orderly Officer. Concerns may be for a variety of issues for example any prisoner who has presented in the past risk of suicide or self harm, or if there are any outstanding concerns with regards to victims or further offences and racial harassment
Obtain further information if required from outside agencies to complete a comprehensive OASys report
Send relevant pre-course information to all those attending review
Arrange dates, venues and special needs arrangements for the Post Programme Progress Reviews
Chair post programme review in accordance with guidelines
Produce and distribute post programme review minutes, ensuring these minutes reflect compliance with audit baselines
Contribute to and attend Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Boards and work with all relevant external agencies to protect the public when releasing prisoners under MAPPA
Liaise with the Foreign National department or UK Border Agency regarding foreign national prisoners as appropriate
Complete lifer and ISP paperwork as directed by manager in compliance with standards and set timescales
If working in a YOI or Juvenile estates facilitate multi agency planning meetings which are inclusive of Young people and their parents/carers to assess needs and risks posed by the Young person to him/herself or others during custody and upon release into the community
Act as the establishment Resettlement Manager by forging, developing and maintaining the links between the programmes, the progress or otherwise made by participants, and the prisoner's ongoing path through the Offender Management (OM) model
The duties/responsibilities listed above describe the post as it is at present and is not intended to be exhaustive. The Job holder is expected to accept reasonable alterations and additional tasks of a similar level that may be necessary. Significant adjustments may require re-examination under the Job Evaluation scheme and shall be discussed in the first instance with the Job Holder

An ability to fulfil all spoken aspects of the role with the confidence through the medium of English or (where specified in Wales) Welsh.

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