Apprenticeship for Floor Layers and Carpet Fitters

Excelcare are a privately owned Care Home group established for over 34 years. We operate in 31 care homes across South London, Milton Keynes, Cambridge, and Essex. Our Support Office is based in Bromley, Kent. We have opportunities across South London, Essex, Milton Keynes and Cambridge offering Apprenticeship schemes for floor layers and/or carpet fitters to join our Maintenance Teams and learn the trade on the job. This would include time to complete your studies in line with the requirements of the Apprenticeship scheme.We are dedicated to maintaining high standards in our care homes for the people who live there and you would be a part of ensuring that our high standards are maintained.About you:GCSE English and Maths or equivalent otherwise you will need to work towards Functional Skills in both subjectsExcellent communication and customer facing skillsAn eye for detail to ensure a task is completed to a high standardCompletion of a DBS (criminal records check) which all of our employees are required to do.What you can expect: Full time hoursOngoing workMentoring5.6 weeks holiday per yearThis is an ideal way to become a qualified Floor Layer so if this is something that interests you then please send your CV explaining what has encouraged you to apply. We look forward to hearing from you.

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