
Siarter Iaith Coordinator for schools

Job details
Posting date: 30 September 2024
Hours: Part time
Closing date: 14 October 2024
Location: Conwy, Conwy County
Remote working: On-site only
Company: Conwy County Borough Council
Job type: Contract
Job reference: REQ006177

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Conwy Schools Siarter Iaith (Language Charter) Coordinator (Fixed Term)
Opportunity for Secondment until 27th April 2025

The Charter aims to increase the social and informal use of Welsh. The Charter requires the participation of all members of the school community – the school council, pupils, workforce, parents, governors and the wider community to ensure full ownership of it.

The successful candidate will build on the success of the nationally used coveted scheme. There will be responsibility for leading, promoting and supporting the work of all Conwy schools to implement the Language Charter, building expertise, increasing understanding of the basics of language planning, as well as establishing monitoring mechanisms, collecting data, measuring impact and accrediting the implementation of the Language Charter. It will work with the schools to raise pupils' attainment standards in relation to the Welsh language and provide training to different tiers of the workforce.

Applications from excellent and enthusiastic practitioners with the ability to inspire others to promote the Welsh language are welcome.

Due to the nature of the post the successful candidate will be subject to a disclosure by the Disclosure and Barring Service. It is a requirement that successful candidate will need to register with the Education Workforce Council prior to commencing employment.

All applicants must ensure that they have obtained the permission of their Headteacher and the Governing Body before applying for the post.
Cydlynydd Siarter Iaith Ysgolion Conwy (Dros Dro)
Cyfle am Secondiad tan 27ain Ebrill 2025

Nod y Siarter yw cynyddu’r defnydd cymdeithasol ac anffurfiol o’r Gymraeg. Mae’r Siarter yn gofyn am gyfranogiad gan bob aelod o gymuned yr ysgol - y cyngor ysgol, y disgyblion, y gweithlu, rhieni, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned ehangach er mwyn sicrhau perchnogaeth lawn ohoni.

Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn adeiladu ar lwyddiant y cynllun cyfedol a ddefnyddir yn genedlaethol. Bydd cyfrifoldeb am arwain, hyrwyddo a chefnogi gwaith holl ysgolion Conwy i weithredu'r Siarter Iaith, gan feithrin arbenigedd, cynyddu dealltwriaeth o hanfodion cynllunio iaith, ynghyd â sefydlu dulliau monitro, casglu data, mesur effaith ac achredu gweithrediad y Siarter Iaith. Bydd yn cydweithio gyda’r ysgolion er mwyn codi safonau cyrhaeddiad disgyblion mewn perthynas â’r Gymraeg ac yn darparu hyfforddiant i wahanol haenau o’r gweithlu.

Croesewir ceisiadau gan ymarferwyr rhagorol a brwdfrydig sydd â’r gallu i ysbrydoli eraill i hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg.

Oherwydd natur y swydd bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn cael archwiliad
gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd. Mae yn ofynnol bod yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn cofrestru gyda y Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg cyn cychwyn gweithio yn y swydd hon.

Rhaid i bob ymgeisydd sicrhau eu bod wedi cael caniatad eu Pennaeth a’r Corff Llywodraethol cyn ymgeisio am y swydd.

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