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Itinerant Piping Instructor (1724), Lewis & Harris - CNS05217

Job details
Posting date: 10 February 2025
Salary: £30,345.00 to £39,612.00 per year
Hours: Full time
Closing date: 24 February 2025
Location: Western Isles, HS1 2BW
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Job type: Permanent
Job reference: CNS05217



Itinerant Piping Instructor (1724), Lewis & Harris
28 hours per week, permanent
£30,345 - £39,612 per annum, inclusive of £2,193 Distant Islands Allowance per annum

The post holder will be required to provide quality music tuition to assigned pupils and contribute to the Instrumental Teaching Service in relation to pupils, parents staff and schools. Duties will include providing music tuition to assigned pupils on an individual or group basis as appropriate; planning and preparing appropriate work for pupils; liaising with Headteachers and Music Staff in order to promote the instrumental skills of pupils; and being involved in the organisation and operation of school concerts/performances on an agreed basis.

You must have a sound practical and working knowledge of piping instruction. It is essential you have good communication and interpersonal skills along with good oral, written and record keeping skills. It is essential you hold a current UK Driving Licence. You must hold a relevant professional diploma or qualification in subject.

Fluency in Gaelic is essential for this post.

This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children.

Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance.

Please see attached Job Description & Person Specification for further information.

Interviews will be conducted in person, providing candidates with the chance to personally meet the team and experience our work environment.

Closing Date: Monday 24 February 2025

Neach-teagasg Pìobaireachd Eadar Sgoiltean, Leòdhas & Na Hearadh
28 uair a thìde gach seachdain, cùmhnant maireannach
£30,345 - £39,612 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £2,742 de Chuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach

Feumaidh an neach a shoirbhicheas deagh oideachadh ciùil a thoirt do sgoilearan a thèid a chur mun coinneamh agus cur ris an t-SeirbheisTeagasg Ciùil a thaobh sgoilearan, phàrantan, luchd-teagaisg agus sgoiltean. Bidh agad ri: sgoilearan a theagaisg fa leth no ann am buidhnean mar a bhios iomchaidh; obair fhreagarrach a dheasachadh do sgoilearan; co-obrachadh ri luchd-teagaisg agus ceannardan sgoile gus sgilean ciùil sgoilearan a leasachadh; ’s a bhith an lùib a bhith a’ cur chonsairtean / thachartasan sgoile air chois mar a thèid aontachadh.

Feumaidh eòlas practaigeach agus liut a bhith agad air a bhith teagasg pìobaireachd. The e riatanach gu bheil deagh sgilean conaltraidh agad ’s gu bheil thu dòigheil le daoine a thuilleadh air liut a bhith agad air bruidhinn, sgrìobhadh agus clàradh fiosrachaidh. Feumaidh cead draibhidh RA a bhith agad agus diploma no teisteanas proifeiseanta sa chuspair.

The e riatanach gum bi thu fileanta sa Ghàidhlig airson na h-obrach seo.

Tha am post a’ tighinn fo Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònta (PVG) a thaobh a bhith ag obair còmhla ri clann.

Tha an tuarastal airson na h-obrach a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach.

Faic an Cunntas-obrach & Sònrachadh Pearsanta airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.

Thèid agallamhan a chumail air beulaibh dhaoine, a’ toirt cothruim do thagraichean coinneachadh ris an sgioba agus beachd fhaighinn air an àrainneachd obrach.

Ceann-latha: Diluain 24 Gearran 2025

Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme

Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident.