Occupational Therapist | Provide CIC
Posting date: | 04 January 2025 |
Salary: | Not specified |
Additional salary information: | £31,469 - £38,308 per annum |
Hours: | Part time |
Closing date: | 19 February 2025 |
Location: | Brentwood, CM158DR |
Company: | Provide CIC |
Job type: | Permanent |
Job reference: | 6899274/828-PROVIDE3360 |
Are you looking to progress your career with a forward thinking, award winning organisation? Do you want to start specialising in Stroke Rehabilitation?
We have a vacancy for an Occupational Therapist to work as part of the Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Team at Brentwood Community. This is a 25 bed community ward offering a rehabilitation pathway for patients of various ages who have had a stroke. The ward is nurse and therapy led with support from a consultant. Patients are admitted from acute hospitals for a period of active assessment and rehabilitation to optimise their independence and safety prior to returning home.
We are looking for a band 5 applicant who is seeking a rewarding career to join us and expand their knowledge and skills in Stroke Rehabilitation.
The team which comprises of Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Psychologists and Therapy Assistants. The post holder will be part of a wider professionally led, well established therapy service offering a range of specialisms. If you enjoy working as part of a friendly team, have a positive ‘can do’ approach and a commitment to enabling patients to achieve their maximum rehabilitation potential then this is the job for you.
Provide is a Community Interest Company (social enterprise). We deliver a broad range of health and social care services in the community, and are committed to making sure that they are safe, responsive and of high quality. Provide is owned by its employees and has primarily social objectives. Any profits we make are reinvested into the local community or back into delivering services.
We work from a variety of community settings, such as community hospitals, community clinics, schools, nursing homes and primary care settings, as well as within people’s homes to provide more than 40 services to children, families and adults across Essex, Dorset, East Anglia and the North of England.
A highly respected, award winning health and social care provider. We expect our staff to demonstrate and uphold our values at all times:
Vision:Transforming Lives
Values:Care, Innovation and Compassion
Mission:An ambitious, employee owned social enterprise, growing in size and influence. We transform lives by treating, caring and educating people.
Provide is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills, proud to have LGBT+ and Ethnic Minority Networks.
We welcome applicants from underrepresented groups. If you have the skills and experience for the job, please apply regardless of your background.
Eligible for NHS Pension
1. To ensure the provision of a high quality, efficient and effective occupational therapy service to patients referred into the service.
2. Toadheretoqualityguidelinesandparticipateinservicemonitoringandclinicalaudit.
3. To adhere to agreed administrative procedures for theservice including the collection of statistical data.
4. Toadheretotheserviceplanandagreedprotocolsfortheservice.
5. To contribute to discussions on proposed local clinical guidelines, protocols and care packages.
6. Toindependentlymaintaintheoperationalrunningofdelegatedpartsoftheservice
7. TosuperviseTherapyAssistants,volunteersandstudentsandcontributetotheirdevelopment.
8. Tomanageequipmentandidentifyresourceneeds
Education and Development
1. ToparticipateintheProvideannualappraisalscheme.
2. To maintainownclinicalprofessionaldevelopmentby keepingup todatewithnew trends and developments and incorporating them as indicated into own practice.
3. Toassistothercolleaguesinthedevelopmentandprovisionofin-servicetrainingprogrammes.
4. Toexplainanddemonstratetheroleofoccupationaltherapisttoawidevarietyof students and other professionals.
5. To reflect on practice with peers and mentors within supervision sessions and identify own strengths and development needs.
6. ToprovideevidenceofcontinuingprofessionaldevelopmenttoProvide,RCOTand HCPC for bi-annual re-registration.
7. Toassistintheinductionofnewlyappointedjuniorstaffbothforclinicaland administrative matters.
Clinical and Corporate Governance
1. Toparticipateinclinicalauditandresearch.
2. Todemonstrateclinicaleffectivenessbyuseofevidence-basedpracticestandardised assessments and outcome measures in line with service policies.
3. Toassistininvolvingpatients,carersandthepublicinservicedevelopmentand evaluation of service provision.
4. Toassistintheevaluationof clinicalandnon-clinicalrisk andtoinformtheClinical Manager of perceived risk.
5. ToparticipateindatacollectionandprovideinformationasrequestedbytheClinicalManager.
6. TomaintainpatientconfidentialityinlinewithCaldicottprinciples.
Clinical / Professional/Service
1. To provide a comprehensive occupational therapy service to clients referred to the service. Thisincludesassessment, differentialdiagnosis, clinicaldecision making and provision of appropriate levels of intervention based on best practice.
2. To work effectively with other members of the wider Integrated Care and Stroke teams
3. To carry out physical and functional assessments and treatments using dexterity, co- ordination, manual and sensory skills to facilitate and promote functional independence
4. To set goals for treatment with patients and/or their carer that are client centered and agreed by the patient and/or their carer
5. To manage own time effectively and prioritise caseload in accordance within agreed protocols, professional guidelines and policies.
6. Toadaptpracticetomeetindividualscircumstances.
7. Tomonitorpatternsofservicedemandandadviseteamleaderaccordingly
8. To work closely with and relay complex information to patients and carers, overcoming communication barrier
9. Todemonstratedevelopingnegotiationskillsandmanagementofconflict.
10. To provide treatment/advisory programmes and written reports to carers,professionals and other agencies as appropriate.
11. To keep up to date and accurate clinical notes in line with professional standards and Provide Policies
12. Tofulfilstatutoryrequirementstowardsotheragencies.
13. Toattendteammeetings,asappropriate.
14. Tobeabletoconcentrateforextendedperiodsoftimeandmanagetheemotional consequences of working with people with complex needs.
This advert closes on Monday 3 Feb 2025
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme