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Locum Consultant Anaesthesia with an interest in Paediatric Cardiac

Job details
Posting date: 17 January 2025
Salary: Not specified
Additional salary information: £105,504 - £139,882 per year
Hours: Full time
Closing date: 16 February 2025
Location: Leicester, LE1 5WW
Company: University Hospitals of Leicester
Job type: Contract
Job reference: 6892712/358-6892712-MED


A Vacancy at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.


Locum Consultant in Anaesthesia with an interest in Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia

Applications are invited for a whole-time Locum Consultant in Anaesthesia with an interest in Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia.

We are looking for proactive, motivated, forward thinking, and dynamic individuals to join our clinical team. This post is an important part of our on-going development of Paediatric Congenital services in UHL NHS Trust, offering the successful applicant the opportunity to work closely with the existing Anaesthetic Consultants to provide a high standard of care across Paediatric and Adult Congenital services.

We are seeking consultants with dedication, determination, and drive to work closely with colleagues throughout the organisation and you will benefit from the support of an experienced and enthusiastic multi-professional team committed to the delivery of brilliant patient care.

· To provide anaesthesia for each of the fixed / flexible theatre sessions for paediatricpatients undergoing cardiothoracic, catheter laboratory or general procedures. Adultsessions will be available bymutualagreement

· To participate in the paediatric cardiac consultant On-Call Rota. This will be on a 1in4basis.

· ToparticipateinpreassessmentclinicsandMDTmeetings.

· Deliver a high quality anaesthetic service, supporting the department with a positiveattitudetowardsflexible working.

· Work with the acute pain team to provide safe and effective postoperative analgesia to patients inrelationtoPaediatrics.

· Superviseandtrainjunioranaestheticmedicalstaff.

· To participate in Clinical teaching of both undergraduates and postgraduates studyingtowards theFRCA examination

· DeveloptheEMCHCAnaestheticServicealongwiththeotherConsultants atUHL.

· To attend and actively contribute to management meetings both within the DirectorateandTrustwide.

· To participate in and contribute to the clinical governance process, to ensure goodstandardsofpracticeasprescribedbytheGMCguidance ongoodpractice

· ToundertakeClinicalAuditasrelevant totheneedsofthedepartment.

· Work with the acute pain team to provide safe and effective postoperative analgesia topatients inrelationtoPaediatrics.

· Work withtheQualityandSafetyteamtoenhancepatientsafety.

Our new strategy, developed with the support and feedback of colleagues, patients, and partners, is our compass for the next seven years (2023-2030).

We have four primary goals:

· high-quality care for all,

· being a great place to work,

· partnerships for impact, and

· research and education excellence

And we will embed health equality in all we do - taking active steps to reduce the avoidable differences in healthcare that some people face, working in partnership with communities.

Our strategy is underpinned by new values and we will work to ensure they are an everyday reality for all:

· we are compassionate,

· we are proud,

· we are inclusive, and

· we are one team

This is an exciting moment as we look to the future with clarity on what we already do well and where we need to focus our energies to make an even bigger difference for the people we serve.

UHL is fully committed to continuing medical education for consultants. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to departmental quality improvement activity and the clinical supervision of postgraduate trainees in Anaesthesia. The UHL Department of Anaesthesia is committed to working towards the Anaesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation scheme of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

The overriding purpose is to support the provision of highest quality patient care through personal actions and continuous improvement.
• Responsibilityfortheprovisionof asafeandefficientanaestheticservice
• Cover for colleagues'annualleaveandotherauthorisedabsences;
• Participate in service development and business planning in collaborationwith the other Consultants in the department, the CMG and local GPs andcommissionerswithin the local CCGs;
• Professional supervision and management of junior medical staff including theobservanceoflocalemploymentandhumanresourcepoliciesandprocedures;
• Responsibilities for carrying out teaching, examination and accreditation dutiesas required and contributing to undergraduate, postgraduate and continuingmedicaleducation activity, locallyand nationally;
• Participatinginmedicalaudit,theTrust’sClinicalGovernanceprocessesandin CPD - CPD is provided in job plans - and attendance at audit and othergovernancemeetings is mandatory;
• In line with GMC Good Medical Practice it is the responsibility of the post-holdertoensurethatalldutiesarecarriedouttothehighestpossiblestandard, and in accordance with current quality initiatives within the area ofwork.
• Thepost-holderisexpectedtorespondinatimelyfashiontolegitimaterequests from Trust officers: this might include investigations of incidents orcomplaints.
• The post-holder is expected to participate in teaching and training of medicalstudents, junior staff and other clinical staff groups. The appointee will alsohave supervision responsibilities for junior medical staff within the specialty. Ifappropriate the post-holder will be named in the contract of junior staff as theperson responsible for overseeing their training and as an initial source ofadvicetosuch doctorsregardingtheircareers.
• The post-holder is expected to participate in professional continuing medicaleducation;studyleave isprovidedfor this purpose.
• Thepost-holderwillbeexpectedtoundertaketheTrustCorporateandDirectoratespecificInductionandcompetencyprogrammesappropriateto role
• Thepost-holderwillberequiredtomaintaintheircontinuingprofessionaldevelopment (CPD) to be able to successfully revalidate. As per the Trustrequirement the successful candidate will be required to have annual appraisaland attend/keep fully up to date with statutory and mandatory training asstipulated.

This advert closes on Friday 14 Feb 2025