
Chemotherapy Advance Care Practitioner | East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

Job details
Posting date: 29 August 2024
Salary: Not specified
Additional salary information: £53,755 - £60,504 per annum
Hours: Full time
Closing date: 28 September 2024
Location: Trustwide, CT1 3NG
Company: East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust
Job type: Permanent
Job reference: 6603339/344-4017DCB-A

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We have an exciting opportunity, we are seeking a clinically experienced SACT ACNP. This is a brand-new position within our chemotherapy departments, so the posts holder will have the opportunity to grow the role to meet the needs of the service. The post holder is an experienced Advanced Clinical Nurse Practitioner (ACNP), who will act as a clinical leader within the Chemotherapy day units across 3 sites.Theywilldemonstratesafe,senior clinical decision-making by autonomously assessing patients attending the units.

· Co-ordinate the care of cancer patients receiving SACT throughout the care pathway with the multidisciplinaryteamandclinicalservicestoensurethecareispersoncentred,safeandeffective.

· Provideastrongpresence,leadershipandaccesstoexpertiseacrossclinicalareaswithan100% contribution to direct care (dependent upon service demand), with support from the Head of nursing and designated oncologist.

· Assisttheclinicalandnursingteams,atalllevelsintheassessmentandprioritisationofpatientsin the chemotherapy units.

· Use advanced clinical assessment skills to autonomously manage patients with complex needs presentingtothe chemotherapy units,toensurethatoptimum psychosocial and emotional needs are met.

· Proactivelydeveloptreatmentplansforpatientsrequiringurgentinterventionincludingfluid resuscitation, oxygen therapy, antibiotics or other urgent treatment

· Undertakeproceduressuchascannulation,venepuncture,arterialbloodgasestofacilitateefficient urgent care in the context of acute illness or sudden deterioration

· Prescribe and review medication, appropriate to patient needs in the context of acute illness, considering any treatment given previously for pre-existing medical conditions, providing informationandadvicetopatientsonprescribedmedicationregimens,side-effectsandinteractions

We offer a full package of benefits, including a car lease scheme; on-site childcare; generous annual leave in line with NHS terms and conditions; high street and public transport discounts; a 24/7 staff support service - and the little thingsthatmakelifeeasier,likeon-siteAmazonlockersandfreshfruit and veg stalls.

Applications for this role should be written by the applicant. If artificial intelligence (AI) programmes are used then the application may be rejected due to this document being an important part of the assessment process. This does not prevent applicants seeking appropriate support with applications should they need to for the purposes of any declared disability.

· Co-ordinate the care of cancer patients receiving SACT throughout the care pathway with the multidisciplinaryteamandclinicalservicestoensurethecareispersoncentred,safeandeffective.

· Accountable for own actions in accordance with their Code of Professional Conduct/professional registers.Willcontributetocorporateobjectives,actingwithinlocal,Trustandstatutoryguidelines and policies at all times.

· Provideastrongpresence,leadershipandaccesstoexpertiseacrossclinicalareaswithan100% contribution to direct care (dependent upon service demand), with support from the Head of nursing and designated oncologist.

· Highlydevelopedcommunicationskillsenablingmaintenanceofhigh-qualityservicewithina complex and challenging environment with often, conflicting priorities.

· Assisttheclinicalandnursingteams,atalllevelsintheassessmentandprioritisationofpatientsin the chemotherapy units.

· Use advanced clinical assessment skills to autonomously manage patients with complex needs presentingtothe chemotherapy units,toensurethatoptimum psychosocial and emotional care needs are met.

· Proactivelydeveloptreatmentplansforpatientsrequiringurgentinterventionincludingfluid resuscitation, oxygen therapy, antibiotics or other urgent treatment

· Undertakeproceduressuchascannulation,venepuncture,arterialbloodgasestofacilitateefficient urgent care in the context of acute illness or sudden deterioration

· InitiaterelevantinvestigationssuchasX-ray,Ultrasound,ECGandbloodteststoenabletimely diagnosis and facilitate early decision making.

· Prescribe and review medication, appropriate to patient needs in the context of acute illness, considering any treatment given previously for pre-existing medical conditions, providing informationandadvicetopatientsonprescribedmedicationregimens,side-effectsandinteraction

· Documentclearlyallaspectsofassessment,diagnosisandmanagementplanclearlyandpresentthe findings to the Consultant for Acute Medicine/SDEC/Oncology as clinically indicated and to work collaboratively with, Acute oncology (AO) palliative care, the Oncologist and on-call registrar out of hours.

UsetheSBARtooltocommunicateclinicalconcernstotheseniormedicalstaffintheeventthata patient is found to be critically unwell or deteriorating clinically

· Communicatecomplexinformationeffectivelytopatientsandcarers,recognisingtheneedfor alternativemethodsofcommunicationtoovercomedifferentlevelsofunderstanding,cultural background and preferred ways of communicating

· Maintaineffectivecommunicationwiththemultidisciplinaryteambothwithinthe Chemotherapy departments but with the wider team, and with other departments.

· Actasanadvocateforpatientsandcolleagues .Ensure awareness of sources of support and guidance (Macmillan resources) and provide information in an acceptable format to all patients, recognising any difficulties and referring where appropriate.

· Endorsetheimportance,atalllevels,ofimplementingasharedvisionandcommonvaluesacrossthe service to achieve excellence in person-centred care, raising awareness of the role of clinical leadership and its impact.

· Prioritise,organiseandmanageownworkloadinamannerthatmaintainsandpromotesquality

· Criticallyevaluateandreviewinnovationsanddevelopmentsthatarerelevanttotheareaofwork

· Demonstratecontinualevaluationofpracticewithinthedefinedspecialistarea,makingagreed changes where appropriate.

· Delivercareaccordingtolocalandnationalguidelines, working with the cancer alliance and UKONS todeliverevidence-basedcare, In line with the ACCEND framework

· Initiateandparticipateinthemaintenanceofqualitygovernancesystemsandprocessesacrossthe organisation and its activities

· Utilise theauditcycleasameansofevaluatingthequalityoftheworkofselfandtheteam, implementing improvements where required

· Evaluatepatients’responsetohealthcareprovisionandtheeffectivenessofcare by working together with the patients carers to improve care.

· Continuouslyassess andmonitorriskintheirownandotherspractice andchallengeaboutwiderriskfactors.

· Workwiththe Oncology Consultants, Acute Oncology and Chemotherapy Matronto develop the ACNP roleinthe chemotherapy units,indeliveringhighqualityandeffectivecare.

· Monitorindividualperformanceandidentifyareasforimprovement.Shareknowledgeand expertise related to clinical and professional practice within and outside the organisation.

· Rolemodelthemaintenanceofpatientsafetyandsafeenvironmentsacrosstheorganisation

· Encourage others to make realistic self-assessment of their application of knowledge and skills, challenginganycomplacencyoractionsthatarenotintheinterestofthepublicand/orusersofservices

· WorkwithConsultants, Acute OncologyandMatrontoensuresufficientstaffofappropriateability,qualityand skill-mix are available to meet current and future service delivery.

· ManagespecificallyidentifiedservicesorprojectsasagreedwiththeOncologyteam

· Contributetothedevelopmentoflocalguidelines,protocols,clinicalpathwaysandstandards

· Undertakementorshipandclinicalsupervisionformorejuniorstaff,assessingcompetenceagainst set standards

· Activelypromotetheworkplaceasalearningenvironment,encouragingeveryonetolearnfrom each other and from external good practice, working with the practice development nurses (PDN)

· Developformalandinformalteachingsessionsandstudydaysfornursingstaffinthe chemotherapy units, and work with AO to teach across the wider organisation

· Assessownlearningneedsatanadvancedlevelandbeyondandundertakelearningasappropriate

· Provideaneducationalroletopatients,carers,familiesandcolleaguesinanenvironmentthat facilitates learning

· Contributetonationalguidelinedevelopmentgroupsandsteeringgroupsensuringthatthetrust remains leading edge in its patient care

· Maintainapersonalprofessionalprofile.

· Regularlyparticipateinteachingactivitiesformultidisciplinaryteam

· Facilitate uptake and impact of R&D activityto inform practice across the organisation using knowledge transfer and mobilisation strategies

· Continuallyevaluate and audit the practice of self and others selectingand applyinga broad range of evaluation approaches and methods.

· Criticallyappraisetheoutcomesofrelevantresearch,evaluationsandauditsandapplythem to improve practice.

· Contributetopolicydevelopmentlocally,regionallyandnationally

· Establish an effective workplace culture across the service and organisation that sustains person-centred, safe and effective care through self-awareness, leadership, active learning, development, improvement and innovation.

This advert closes on Thursday 12 Sep 2024

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