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Biodiversity Project Officer

Job details
Posting date: 20 June 2024
Hours: Full time
Closing date: 04 July 2024
Location: Conwy, Conwy County
Remote working: On-site only
Company: Conwy County Borough Council
Job type: Contract
Job reference: Biodiversity Project Officer


We are looking for a suitably experienced and qualified Project Officer to join the Open Spaces Group.

The successful candidate will implement project action in the delivery of the Creatures of the Creuddyn project, providing specialist biodiversity advice in the evaluation of technical data related to project surveys, plans and habitat projects.

One of the principal duties of this post is to promote an understanding of biodiversity (particularly invertebrates and their habitats) and ecological literacy within the local community, schools and the public via education, advice, awareness raising, training and events within the project area.

Other key duties of the post include:

• The undertaking and overseeing of professional habitat and species surveys to inform project plans and actions.
• The co-ordination of habitat management on key sites across the project area.
• Working alongside Natural Resources Wales staff and others to help plan how the project’s discoveries and recommendations can be implemented, managed and sustained in the longer term.

In order to be considered for this post, candidates must:

• Be qualified to a degree level in an environmental discipline
• Possess good ecological knowledge including knowledge of relevant legislation {Nature Recovery Action Plan (Wales); and Environment (Wales) Act 2016}
• Be able to demonstrate experience of successfully managing multiple projects concurrently
• Evidence effective time management and prioritisation skills
• Have a good understanding of the key pressures on biodiversity including climate change & invasive non-native species
• Be able to develop partnership strategies and a range of related innovative projects, together with associated monitoring and review processes
• Be able to communicate and negotiate effectively in writing and verbally (including public speaking) with Members, the public, schools, volunteers and a wide range of organisations

As Conwy has large geographic area the ability to travel within the area to attend appointments is required.
Rydym yn chwilio am Swyddog Prosiect profiadol a chymwys i ymuno â’r Grŵp Mannau Agored.

Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn gweithredu i ddarparu prosiect Creaduriaid Creuddyn, gan ddarparu cyngor arbenigol am fioamrywiaeth wrth werthuso data technegol mewn perthynas ag arolygon prosiect, cynlluniau a phrosiectau cynefin.

Un o brif ddyletswyddau’r swydd hon yw hyrwyddo dealltwriaeth o fioamrywiaeth (yn arbennig amffibiaid a’u cynefinoedd) a llythrennedd ecolegol o fewn y gymuned leol, ysgolion a’r cyhoedd drwy addysgu, cynnig cyngor, codi ymwybyddiaeth, darparu hyfforddiant a digwyddiadau o fewn ardal y prosiect.

Bydd dyletswyddau allweddol eraill y swydd yn cynnwys:

• Cynnal a goruchwylio arolygon cynefinoedd a rhywogaethau i lywio cynlluniau prosiect a gweithredoedd.
• Cydlynu rheolaeth cynefinoedd ar safleoedd allweddol ar draws ardal y prosiect.
• Gweithio ochr yn ochr â staff Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ac eraill i helpu i gynllunio sut y gellir gweithredu, rheoli a chynnal canfyddiadau ac argymhellion y prosiect yn yr hirdymor.

Er mwyn cael eu hystyried ar gyfer y swydd hon, mae’n rhaid i ymgeiswyr:

• Fod yn gymwys hyd at lefel gradd mewn disgyblaeth amgylcheddol
• Meddu ar wybodaeth ecolegol dda yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol {Cynllun Adfer Natur (Cymru); a Deddf yr Amgylchedd (Cymru) 2016}
• Gallu dangos profiad o gyd-reoli prosiectau amrywiol yn llwyddiannus
• Meddu ar sgiliau rheoli amser a blaenoriaethu effeithiol
• Meddu ar ddealltwriaeth o’r pwysau allweddol ar fioamrywiaeth yn cynnwys newid hinsawdd a rhywogaethau estron goresgynnol
• Gallu datblygu strategaethau partneriaeth ac ystod o brosiectau arloesol cysylltiedig, ynghyd â phrosesau monitro ac adolygu cysylltiedig
• Gallu cyfathrebu a thrafod yn effeithiol, yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar (gan gynnwys siarad cyhoeddus) gydag Aelodau, y cyhoedd, ysgolion, gwirfoddolwyr a nifer o sefydliadau

Gan fod Conwy yn ardal ddaearyddol fawr, mae’r gallu i deithio o fewn yr ardal i fynychu apwyntiadau yn ofynnol.

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