
Qualified trainer to teach level 5 diploma in education and training

Job details
Posting date: 23 May 2024
Salary: £30 to £50 per hour
Hours: Part time
Closing date: 22 June 2024
Location: M8 9JW
Remote working: Hybrid - work remotely up to 1 day per week
Job type: Contract
Job reference: DET123

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We are looking for an experienced, highly motivated trainer to teach a Level 5 diploma in education and training.

He/She must have experience in teaching adults and fulfill the following criteria
Understand the key principles and models of teaching, learning, and assessment in education and training.

Develop effective teaching, learning, and assessment strategies for diverse learners in an educational setting.
Analyse and apply theories, principles, and models to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
Demonstrate proficiency in wider professional practice and continuous development within the field of education and training.
Conduct action research to evaluate and improve teaching and learning practices in the educational context.

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