Kitchen Assistant

We are looking for a Kitchen Assistant to join our Goldenley Care Home in South Benfleet, Essex. You will become part of a compassionate and welcoming team providing physical, emotional, and social support and most importantly outstanding meal experiences for the people living in our care home. Your dedication, reliability and support will make a difference every day.Excelcare is a family-owned care home group established for over 34 years. We provide the highest standards of care to older people with a range of needs including dementia, physical disabilities, and mental health issues. By joining us you will become one of the ‘family’ and in return for your dedication and hard work you can expect:Salary: £12.00 per hour 16 hours a week Shifts a rota basis from 10am - 6pm, 10am - 2pm AND from 2pm - 6pm, Monday - Sunday. You will be required to work alternate weekends.About the role: As a Kitchen Assistant, you will be required to assist the Chef to prepare and cook nutritious, healthy meals using fresh ingredients for the people living in our care homeWork to scheduled meal plans paying attention to individual dietary requirementsAlways maintain excellent standards of hygieneWork in a fast-paced environment and support at mealtimes with the dining experienceRespecting choice and preferences of the people we care forCheck kitchen equipment and report any concerns or faults to the Chef.Understanding of Health & Safety, particularly in respect of Basic Food Hygiene, COSHH, safe moving and Handling and working within guidelines relating to cross infectionWhat we are looking for from you: Experience of cooking for large numbersA passion for preparing and assisting with cooking of fresh, tasty, homemade foodNVQ Level 2 OR (qualified by experience) in catering and hospitality2 years’ experience in a catering environment12 months experience in managing a kitchenExcellent interpersonal skills as you will be involved in meaningfulWhat we offer in return for your hard work:28 Days holiday including bank holidaysFree on-site parking*Enhancement to pay on bank holidaysRefer a Friend Scheme rewarding £500 for every person you referDBS certificate paid by Excelcare*Comprehensive induction programmeFunded qualifications via the apprenticeship programme (where required)Paid uniformEmployee of the month - £100 for outstanding contributionTeam appreciation week*Terms and Conditions applyIf you are interested in the position, please apply online today – we look forward to hearing from you.

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