Bank Cleaner Domestic

As a Bank Cleaner/Domestic at our Okeley Care Home in Chelmsford, Essex you will be part of a compassionate and welcoming team. Along with the rest of the Housekeeping Team you would ensure that the care home is always maintained to a high standard of cleanliness and is safe, comfortable and welcoming for the people living in our care home.Taking pride in the service you provide to the people living in our care homes will make a difference every day.Excelcare is a family-owned Care Home group established for over 34 years. We provide the highest standards of care to older people with a range of needs including dementia, physical disabilities, and mental health issues. By joining us you will become one of the ‘family’ and in return for your dedication and hard work you can expect:Salary: £12.00 per hour0 hour contract - you will be able to pick up shifts as and when available between Monday and Sunday About the role:Ensure that bedrooms, bathrooms and communal areas are cleaned to a high standard at all times.Undertake deep cleans as required on a rota basis to include floors, soft furnishing, fixtures, fittings, windows and walls.Dispose of rubbish.Report any equipment failure or maintenance issues in line with policies and procedures.Comply with COSHH and Infection Control Regulations.Engage in meaningful activities with residents as part of the role and promote independence, choice, dignity and respect at all times.What we are looking for from you:A kind, compassionate approach to everything you do.Excellent communication skills.Ability to work independently and as part of a teamGood time management and organisation skillsFlexibility, enthusiasm and a good sense of humourAn eye for detail and the ability to juggle prioritiesPrevious experience in a cleaner or domestic role is desirableWhat we offer in return for your hard work:28 Days holiday including bank holidaysFree on-site parking*Enhanced bank holiday payAnnual salary reviewRefer a Friend Scheme rewarding £500 for every person you refer*DBS certificate paid by Excelcare*Comprehensive induction programmeFunded qualifications via the apprenticeship programme (where required)Paid uniformEmployee of the month - £100 for outstanding contributionTeam appreciation week*Terms and Conditions applyIf you are interested in the position, please apply online today – we look forward to hearing from you.

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