Care Home Receptionist

Weekend Care Home Receptionist - £12.00 per hourWe have an opportunity for an efficient and friendly part time Receptionist at our Water Hall Care Home in Bletchley. You will become part of a compassionate and welcoming team providing physical, emotional, and social support and most importantly outstanding meal experiences for the people living in our care home. Your dedication, reliability and support will make a difference every day.Excelcare is a family-owned care home group established for over 34 years. We provide the highest standards of care to older people with a range of needs including dementia, physical disabilities, and mental health issues. Outstanding care is central to everything we do. By joining us you will become one of the ‘family’ and in return for your dedication and hard work you can expect:Salary: £12.00 per hour10 hours (gross) per WeekSaturday and Sunday, 10am - 3pmAbout the role:As a receptionist you will be the first point of contact for all visitors to the care home therefore it is essential that everyone is greeted with a warm welcome.Ensure all visitors sign in and out.Answer all telephone calls and ensure that messages are delivered in a timely manner or calls are transferred to the relevant person.Deal with incoming and outgoing post.Ensure the reception area is always kept neat and tidy.Work closely with the Home Manager and Administrator to ensure the home is stocked with stationery required.Recording and reporting on the homes daily and weekly updates as advised by the Home Manager.The role also includes promoting the home, conducting show arounds, and supporting the with any recruitment of new team members.What we are looking for from you:         A positive, can-do approach.Excellent communication skillsGood IT skills – Word, Excel and PowerPointAttention to detail.Previous experience in a customer facing or reception role.What we offer in return for your hard work:28 Days holiday including bank holidays. Free on-site parking*Enhancement to pay on bank holidays.Refer a Friend Scheme rewarding £500 for every person you refer.DBS certificate paid by Excelcare* Comprehensive induction programmeFunded qualifications via the apprenticeship programme (where required)Employee of the month - £100 for outstanding contributionTeam appreciation week*Terms and Conditions applyIf you are interested in the position, please apply online today – we look forward to hearing from you. 

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