CCTV Operator

CCTV Operator - Supported Housing – Sydenham.  We have a new opportunity for a CCTV Operator to join our team based at our location in Sydenham. Dinardo Care and Support Ltd are an exempt supported housing provider specialising in high-standard accommodation and living services for vulnerable adults suffering from mental health conditions and other complex needs.  About the role:Monitoring CCTV cameras at our Sydenham branch, you will be monitoring all our 21 supported living sites. Reporting, responding & reacting to any incidents that may arise. Liaise with the clients, Police, local authority, and social workers when needed. Carrying out CCTV footage review/completing necessary forms/logs.Carrying out daily camera checks.What to expect:You will work over 7 nights - 4 nights on and 4 nights off (8pm-8am) £12.60 per hour.  About you:SIA CCTV Licence (desirable but not essential)Excellent communication and written skills – able to liaise with stakeholders at all levels.Knowledge of safeguarding procedure would be desirable. Good problem solving and conflict management skills in a high-pressure environment.Experience in operating CCTV systemsWhat we offer in return for your hard work:28 Days holiday including bank holidaysDBS Certificate paid*Contributory Pension SchemeAnnual Salary ReviewComprehensive Induction ProgrammeRefer a Friend Scheme rewarding up to £500 for every person you refer*Team Appreciation DaysEmployee Assistance ProgrammeOn-site parking**Terms and conditions applyIf this sounds like the place to take your career to the next level, then please apply on-line today – we are waiting to hear from you.

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